Saturday, October 13, 2007

All we are sayyyyy-ing.....

Question: Who am I? "Well, I lost the bid to lead the free world in a highly contested election. I guess I'll just go win the Nobel Peace Prize."

I don't want to get all political and shit on this blog, but Christ! Has there ever been a bigger "Up yours!" in the history of political contests? Really, I'm asking! You can argue that Gore wouldn't have been the best president in the history of the country, and I might agree, but can anyone imagine Dubya ever--EVER--winning the Nobel Peace Prize? Snort! That cracks me up.

So that puts Gore in the company of Jimmy Carter. Another question: why can't Nobel Peace Prize winners make good U.S. presidents? If I had one right now, I'd light a fatty and contemplate that while listening to John Lennon.

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