Friday, December 7, 2007

"the (miniature) glow of electric sex"

To reward myself for starting my Christmas shopping early (Dec. 5), I bought myself a present.

As a bonus, I walked into the Indiana History Center gift shop just in time to watch the arrival of the leg lamp on the A Christmas Story continuous loop, complete with Ralphie trying to feel up the leg.

This is going to be the best holiday season EVER! I can just feel it! (Cue ominous foreshadowing music.)


nora leona said...

Okay, I'm not kidding - that I was I got you for Christmas.
Back to the the (kitchy) drawing board.

bad influence girl said...

I have many more empty outlets, Nora....

Kim said...

My sister got me one of those for Christmas last year, and I love it.

It's a major award!

bad influence girl said...

Welcome, Kim!

And a fra-geel-ay one, at that!