Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Yeah, it's a crappy, blurry photo, but do you know what that is? It's the sun setting tonight at 7 p.m.! Despite the snow and the bare trees (check out the burn pile I'm gonna have, Jerry!), spring really is coming! Woo hoo!

My Sunday freak-out finally broke on Tuesday. Turns out I've had all that I...uh...haven't had the appropriate, well, outlet for. So I've managed to channel it into all those things I need to be doing. Like work, and looking for work, and writing shit that I do not get paid for, but which I have nonetheless promised to do.

Next Thursday I have a job interview at a place that may very well require me to do TV interviews for early morning newscasts. You know the kind (from what I've seen) where the perky TV news reporter is someplace in the pre-dawn hours where nothing is going on except crickets chirping, but man, in a few hours, is this place going to be hopping!

I would be the person trying to convince the 3 viewers at 5 a.m. that they should come out for all the excitement. I'm pretty sure I do not possess that level of enthusiasm for anything. Not anything I could talk about on the news, anyway.

On the bright side, I could just go straight to work after a night out if I had to. The job interview is at 8 a.m. Crazy Cat Lady said I should probably just bow out now. I told her I figure my prompt arrival (or lack thereof) will be the biggest test.


Miss Adventure said...

Locals Only has $1 cans of beer from something like 5 until 7. Plus, bonnets hide a multitude of sins. Just think of all that time you'll save in the morning! Just tie it on and go!!!

Good luck!

Jerry in Texas said...

Burn pile? You've got my ears perked up!!!

Yeah, the morning gig might not be for you. You're not replacing Tree Boy are you?

bad influence girl said...

Thanks for the tip, heck of a gal. Bonnets could become sort of my trademark look. I could wear them everywhere!

Jerry, no, I wouldn't be replacing Tree Boy, but wouldn't that be fun?

Me: "Hm, yes, that is an interesting ornamental. What does it look like when you set it on fire?"