Friday, April 25, 2008

Suck it monkeys, I'm going corporate!

That headline will make no sense to anyone who didn't watch 30 Rock last night, but I don't care. Tina Fey is a genius, btw.

I got a job offer today! No, not as a result of this clusterfuck of an interview. The result of another interview that obviously went much, much better. One in which I wore clothes that fit, sucked up, successfully evaded questions I didn't want to answer, and stuck to my "key messages," none of which involved sarcasm, cursing, or my love of booze and men.

Today, I think of when I was a young journalism student, full of spirit and idealism. I was going to expose wrongdoing, motivate people to care about things they should care about--change the world, in short. No matter if I would never get rich, the satisfaction would be its own reward.

Fuck that. I'm officially selling out. I can feel the corners of my soul curling up and turning black. It doesn't feel so bad, actually.

Today the HR dude called with the offer. He told me the salary, which exceeds my "wow, wouldn't it be great to make this much" hopes by several thousand dollars. "Of course you'll want to think about this, it is a big decision," he said.

"Yes, of course, I need to think about it," I replied. "In the meantime, may I come to your office and kiss your feet? Or anything else that might need attention?"

Life is looking good right now. I hope I don't get hit by a truck this weekend.


nora leona said...

Getting a real paycheck will not keep you from saving the world, trust me.
I'm so excited for you.

Kim said...

Congrats on the big leap to soul-sucking corporate-ness! I hope things work out great for you. A giant paycheck and benefits are always a very good thing.

Jerry in Texas said...

I watched that episode while I was sorting my office supplies. Very funny episode. Tina Fey ROX!