Sunday, June 22, 2008

overheard, 'hood edition

Snippets of actual conversations I heard from my front porch this weekend, in chronological order:

1. (from the next door neighbor's yard)
Fat Crazy Sister: "You are an AIDS-carrying nicker!"*
George: "I ain't a nicker! I'm an Indian!"

*"nicker" was not the word actually being used

2. (from George, sitting on my front porch swing after inviting himself over)
"My sister was born on this swing."

3. (from two teenage girls fighting in the street, surrounded by a crowd, just before the cops showed up)
"You have my hair!"
"I don't have your hair! I ain't never had your hair!"

Sometimes I think traveling is overrated.


nora leona said...

ummm....feel free to hang out on my porch. Not nearly as exciting, but I bet you'll get a lot more reading done.

Miss Adventure said...

I'm sorry I raised my voice. It was clearly MY hair.

bad influence girl said...

Nora, don't be surprised to find me hanging out on your porch one day when you get home.

Heck of a Gal, kindly keep your ghetto fights on your own street. Thank you.