Thursday, November 29, 2007

Next on my hit list

Things have been blissfully quiet lately, which means I've been spending more time in the 'hood.

Which means I'm bound to be pissed off about something.

I'm happy to report that Bad Influence Grandma has officially been cited by the city for the junk cars in her back yard. No doubt using her "but I'm just a sweet little old lady" wiles, she got an extension to get rid of them. She's due for reinspection Dec. 1. The cars haven't moved. She's running scared, I can tell.

So I'm turning my attention to the other house down the street that periodically has been the bane of my existence. Among other violations of common decency/criminal code, this house has been through more dogs in the past six years than I've been through men. So when I walked Big Head Dog and the Monster past this house, I wasn't particularly surprised to hear the scampering of doggy feet.

The front chain-link-fence gate was open, of course. Two pit bull puppies ran up to the fence. One ran out and jumped my dogs. No "hi, how ya doin'" butt-sniffing, no "wanna play?" tail-wagging, just flat out jumped 'em and went for the jugular.

The puppy went for the Monster, who's without a doubt the bigger pussy of the two dogs, and rolled 'im. Big Head Dog moved in and in no uncertain terms showed the puppy who's boss, and it ran off with its tail between its legs. The Monster cried like the girl he isn't, but was unhurt.

During this melee, I'm yelling, dogs are snarling. A chained-up dog in the back yard is raising ten kinds of hell. The lights are on in the house, yet no one is sufficiently curious to come out to investigate.

I considered dialing 911 to report a vee-cious dog attack. Then it became clear what I must do. Amass evidence. Photos, specifics, incidents. Then I will report them to the city's dog-fighting task force. I don't know for certain the thugs are into dog-fighting, but I like the last line of that press release: "all tips are investigated."

I like to think the investigators will arrive in SWAT team fashion, but that's probably too much to ask for.

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