Sunday, October 7, 2007

crime solved!

The great thing about public records is that you just never know when you're going to unearth a gem among the pebbles.

The other day I picked up a copy of the incident report from last week's shooting behind my house. And there I found what is clearly the biggest clue in the case.

Never let it be said that the police here aren't thorough in their work.

At first I was puzzled. Who had been eating the Fritos, the shooter or the victim? Were they hoping to retrieve valuable DNA evidence from the Fritos? Is there a special room at the station for perishable evidence?

And then the light bulb went off. There can only be one answer, only one person who could be driven to commit such a heinous crime while under the influence of corn chips:

It all makes sense. After being dropped by Frito-Lay, Frito Bandito couldn't find work elsewhere and turned to a life of crime. There's nothing sadder than a mascot gone bad.


Unknown said...

blad influence girl... did you get copyright permission to use the likeness of mr bandito on your blog?

fritos are as addictive as crack. maybe it was a frito deal gone wrong as you often mention that type of thing happens in your 'hood

bad influence girl said...

No, corporate marketing girl, I did not get any such permission. Isn't there some sort of statute of limitations on dead cartoon characters?

I think you're onto something with that theory.