Sunday, October 21, 2007


Yeah, I'm totally catching up on posts today. I'm sure that's impolite blog etiquette or something, but it's an excuse to lie in bed with the dogs on a Sunday afternoon, so I'm taking advantage of it.

Speaking of lying in bed with dogs, it's been an interesting weekend.

Friday night I had some weird-ass dreams. In one of them, my dog caught a mouse straight from the innermost depths of hell and there was a lot of thick, gloopy blood like oozes from walls in horror movies.

But even weirder was the dream in which I walked into a flower garden full of blooming butterfly bushes, gorgeous white and yellow butterflies flitting gracefully about as they sampled the glorious nectar, sun shining, sweet smell of flowers in the air.

Then, the butterflies attacked. It must have been a swarm of souped-up South American Killer Butterflies, because each of the suckers weighed like 10 pounds a piece, and they kept flying into me on purpose, hitting me about the head and face. It was awful! I woke up screaming and flailing.

The dream stuck with me all day Saturday. What was my subconscious trying to tell me, throwing out images about the blurry line between that which is good and pure and that which is dark and sinister?

By 7:30 that night, I had my answer, thanks to an informant. The Greek. Spotted the night before at a friendly neighborhood tavern near me.

By 10:30, my ass was on a barstool having naughty things about it whispered into my ear. I was working the phone trying to find some rather exotic cigarettes. If I'd had some notice, I would have been prepared, but that's not how this recurring fling works. We don't talk in between his visits. He doesn't call when he gets into town.

"If it is meant to be, it will be," he says. "Fate."

He does not know that Fate sends text messages.

He was talking big before I got there. "I've been living with this girl, and I've been faithful to her," was his story.

Then, to me: "I'm living with this girl, and I've been behaving myself since the last time I was here in town. ... Who am I kidding? I can't do it. What's new with you?"

"I've been forced to conclude that boys are scared of me."

"Scared? Of you? Why??"

"I think they think I'm trouble."

Hearty Greek laughter. Then head lowered, impenetrable dark eyes peering over the black frame of his glasses, eyebrow raised. "And are they right?"

"Maybe. But I don't see what that has to do with it."

More laughter. "Forget about dating. Just [edited for graphic content]."

We couldn't get the pay-per-view at the Super 8 to work, but I was not in a different part of the state when the sun came up this morning, as has happened before. Of course, that might only be because I had guests staying at the farmhouse. And the roommate was home this weekend. How is it, exactly, that I own two houses and yet had nowhere to take a boy last night?

There were other things, like weirdness with Dead-to-Me's friends Friday night, and the "accidentally hit the call button on the phone" call from the ex Saturday evening, which resulted in a 3-minute long message of his conversation on an apparent date with a woman who has a couple of kids. But enough of this lying in bed with dogs, I have things to do.


nora leona said...

Fucking fate.

bad influence girl said...

Sure, I could ignore fate, Nora, but that would be even worse.

nora leona said...

blame Chris -- he's the one who taught me how to text message.