Friday, January 4, 2008

Well, duh!

For a month or more, I have done absolutely nothing very exciting or out of the ordinary (Bob Sanders was a little more than a month ago, and believe me, THAT was out of the ordinary). (Oh, and I drank myself to the point one Thursday night that when Deputy Joe called, I forgot why I hate him, so he stopped by the house to say hello for a couple of hours at 2 a.m.)

OK, for the past 3 weeks, I have done absolutely nothing very exciting or out of the ordinary. As someone who hadn't seen me for a few weeks told me in the friendly neighborhood tavern, "You've been like a nun! You're either a nun or a whore!" I think that's a little extreme, but the point is well-taken.

To recap, Christmas -- nice. I wasn't much in the mood to do shots of Wild Turkey with my nephews, I didn't take many pictures, just kind of sat around.

The week between Christmas and New Year's: I tested the theory that the company I work for wouldn't even notice if I was there or not. They didn't. I just flat out didn't show up for 2-1/2 days, and no one called, no one e-mailed. I slept. A lot.

New Year's Eve: Couldn't even muster up the energy in a bar full of people, with a kickass party band onstage, to go find a guy to kiss at midnight. Or 12:30. Or 1 a.m. Sure, I was wearing a feather boa, but I wasn't really feeling it...I wasn't being the boa. I went to Steak n Shake with Nora and told her sob stories she's probably already heard some other night when I was drunk.

Brand-new 2008: Bleh. In the depths of a full-blown funk. What the hell is wrong with me? Sure, things suck, but no more than usual. And yeah, the stable is empty, doors clanging in the cold bitter wind, tumbleweeds blowing through and piling up in the corner, but really, it's fine, because boys have been getting on my damn nerves anyway lately.

Finally, last night over coffee (that's right. Coffee. Because I'm not drinking, so that I won't be tempted to smoke, both of which I really, really, really love to do) with a friend, it came to me: I am, quite literally, bored to tears. Being good is boring! And makes me cranky and depressed! Fuck this!

So, in a couple of weeks, I am going to Chicago. I have not taken a road trip anywhere besides southern Indiana (Kentucky doesn't count) in more than a year. No fucking wonder I'm bored! Have you been to this state?

Just like that, presto! Funk begone! Today I boughts me some new shoes to trek all over Chi-town in:

Ooooh, yeah, they kick ass!

Crazy Cat Lady and Elizabeth asked me today where we were going on the road trip, and if they were invited. I said, "Sure, if you think you can keep up with me." I don't know for sure what I'm doing, but it will involve art, and the Giant Bean, and lots of walking and public transportation, and CB2, and Goose Island, and great pubs with boys with cute accents.


Jerry in Texas said...

Yes, I have been to this state. I cannot believe I've been back here for five years now. It's proof that time flies when you're having fun, and even when you're not.

I schedule a trip out of state if I'm here for more than 3 weeks straight. It's better for everyone's sanity, especially mine.

Lizzie said...

Keep up, my ass.... when are we going again?